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Member-only story

More Things To Do In Your Notebook

Carley Moore


My semester started (masked, vaccinated, in person) and so everything feels very exhausting and super extra. Yesterday, I cried in Washington Square Park I was so tired. Two drunk men had also lunged at me, but that’s for another post or never. But I also got to meet with my writing group for the first time in person since the #BEFORETIMES and that felt magical. We didn’t even talk that much about writing, but we did have these delicious fancy cocktails.

A woman screamed and waved a Jesus Loves You sign at us from the sunroof of a giant SUV with Florida plates, we saw some outdoor seating that was more well-decorated than most of our apartments, and we laughed a lot. New York is back, well not really, but kinda, buy hey, we’re trying, and maybe it’s not such a good idea, but oh well, America.

In the spirit of returning to habits and rituals and getting yelled at on the street, AND TEACHING, I’m realizing my students are going to need some extra help with their Writer’s Notebooks. So here are some prompts for both you and them (all to be freewritten, no stopping, no editing, just keep the pen or pencil moving, and make something crappy!):

  1. Do a body scan. Start with the top of your head, move down to your face, your shoulders, your chest, your arms, your stomach, pelvis, butt, upper legs, knees, calves, feet, and toes. How does each…



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